Looking for hidden places in Venice

Venice is a unique city in the world, where it is always nice to return. Maybe to discover those secret places that you don’t even know exist. In addition to the Bridge of Sighs, Piazza San Marco and the classic attractions reported by all the guides in the world, there is a hidden Venice. Ready to go?

An Unknown Venice

Just read this article to surprise yourself and get to know the secret Venice, that of the Venetians. A city of land and water, which will once again be able to transmit its magic to you.

“Del Chiodo” Bridge

The first unusual place you can go is the Ponte del Chiodo. It is a very unique bridge, despite having no particular architectural features. In Venice almost all bridges are equipped with parapets, while the Del Chiodo Bridge has none. It is located in the Cannaregio district and is worth a visit to experience the adrenaline of having no protection between you and the water.

Italia Theatre

It is located on Strada Nuova, the road that connects the Rialto Bridge to Piazzale Roma. The neo-Gothic style construction dates back to 1915 and is the work of the architect Giovanni Sardi.

The interior was frescoed by Alessandro Pomi and Umberto Bellotto. You can visit it every day and admission is free because today it has become a supermarket. Yes, you got it right: from theater to cinema and then to shop.

The undergrond canal

In Venice there is only one underground canal. It is located near the church of Santo Stefano and ends below the choir. It is part of the Rio del Santissimo and can only be reached by gondola. It is a very short underground course but of undisputed charm.

Calle Varisco

The uniqueness of this calle compared to all the others in the city is its width. It is located halfway along the route to get to Fondamente Nove, towards the church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli. It will be exciting to walk all the way down to the bottom to get to the point where its width is only 50 cm.

Rio Tetta, the house with 3 sides on the water

Suggestive and not to be missed is the house that rises with three sides on the water. Few tourists know its location even though it is very famous among the Venetians. To find it you have to go to Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo and walk to Rio Santa Marina. When the river divides you are in Rio Tetta and you will see the iron bridge that hides it.

Acqua Alta Library

In Calle Lunga Santa Maria Formosa you will find the historic Acqua Alta Library, one of the most beautiful in the world. It is a magical and hidden place where there are volumes of all kinds, which tell the characters and the history of the Serenissima. Here, wandering among the vintage books you will also find manuals and ancient maps.

Bridge of Sighs

The Bridge of Sighs is certainly one of the major attractions of Venice but not everyone knows that it is possible to take a guided tour inside. However, you will have to book on the Doge’s Palace website. It is interesting to know the history and legend on the origin of the name of this bridge, which over time has become a symbol of romanticism, thanks to its shape and location that make it a truly unique glimpse of the landscape.

San Giorgio Maggiore Island & Bell Tower

Among the most beautiful places in the lagoon is also the island of San Giorgio, which can be reached by vaporetto 2 which leaves from the San Zaccaria pier. Here is the basilica, the work of Palladio and Longhena which preserves frescoes by Tintoretto.

There is also a monastery, a labyrinth, a dock and exhibition spaces. The advice is to climb the bell tower of San Giorgio to see Venice from above.

Scala del Bovolo e Contarini Palace

The Contarini Palace is a Gothic building that stands in the streets near Campo Manin. The wonder does not end by admiring the façade but by visiting the internal courtyard, known as the Maltese, enriched by round arches. Here the external tower with the Scala del Bovolo stands out towards the sky. It is helical in shape and is 27 meters high. Walking along it you arrive at its dome, from which you have a unique view of Piazza San Marco.

San Lazzaro Island

Another place to visit is the island of San Lazzaro degli Armeni inhabited by monks. Inside their structure, the ancient library is worth a visit, which houses 170,000 books in various rooms. Of these, around 4,500 are manuscripts. A legend has it that a volume covered in human skin is also preserved here.

“Squero” San Trovaso

In Venice the means of transport par excellence is the gondola. Do you want to know how much a gondola ride costs? Gondolas are produced in the squeri, in Venetian shipyards. The oldest in the city is the Squero San Trovaso, dating back to 1600. Gondolas are still repaired and produced here today. If you want you can make an appointment and access the processing areas.


Venice has many hidden and secret places that the tourist routes do not cover, so you can visit them in all their magic, without too much fuss. Once you arrive in the lagoon, remember not to miss the beauty of the hidden Serenissima and its charm.


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