Discovering the lovely Favignana

Favignana is one of the most beautiful islands in Sicily and represents the true essence of the Tricrania. Visiting Favignana means setting out to discover unspoiled and wild nature, as well as crystal clear waters and guaranteed fun. Favignana is still today one of the best holiday solutions for those who want to spend relaxing moments by the sea or set out to discover the Sicilian nature.

About 7 km from the Sicilian coast and halfway between Marsala and Trapani, this island belongs to the Egadi archipelago and is famous above all, for its beaches as well as for the green areas of Mediterranean scrub that can be found there. The name Favignana means “the great butterfly on the sea“.

To call it this way in the 70s was the painter Salvatore Fiume who fell in love with this area and began to frequent it continuously. There are many writers who have spoken of this land precisely because of the degree of inspiration it is capable of transmitting. In addition to its natural beauty, it is also famous for its castles for the museum and for its geographic conformation which over the years has made this area easily accessible, accessible by populations from all over the Mediterranean. In fact, on this territory, the remains belonging to ancient populations are visible.

Discover Favignana in few days

Setting out to discover Favignana means going to explore all its beaches, all the caves and coves of this area. Sometimes, an entire day cannot pass to be able to discover all that the pristine nature of the Mediterranean scrub hides in this area. To explore and discover Favignana, the ideal would be to rent a boat.

Discovering Favignana with a sailboat could be the best choice because it will allow you to be able to reach all the caresses you want in a very simple way and above all, without necessarily having to occupy the beach when rather being able to take advantage of the crystal clear waters even not far from the sand . This seaside resort is perfect for those who love transparent and clear waters. Among the main areas there is Cala Azzurra, the Calamoni, Lido Burrone which are characterized by fine and golden sand. In addition, there are the coves of Punta Sottile, Preveto, Punta Lunga and the Faraglioni. In these coves between pebbles and sand, it is possible to explore truly characteristic views of this territory.

One of the most famous beaches is Cala Rossa where it is possible to snorkel among rocky coves. Also worth exploring is the Perciata cave, the Cavallo or Punta Fanfalo. Among the most beautiful sea caves there is the Grotta dei Sospiri. Among the advantages of visiting Favignana by boat there is that it is possible to take advantage of it for diving, as there are particularly suggestive areas. Among these there is the Seca del Toro and the Galeotta which are ideal, however, above all, for experts. The underwater world is beautiful in Favignana and finds one of the best answers from both a sporting and historical-cultural point of view.

An historical island in Mediterranean sea

As already mentioned, Favignana due to its geographical position has been crossed over the centuries by practically numerous populations. This island in Sicily was one of the main areas of the traps. You can visit the museum of the former Florio factory where there are objects from the fifteenth century including the historic pilgrim’s flask. In this museum there are numerous amphorae, objects that were used in the Sicilian traps of the past. Also worth seeing are the castles of Favignana or those of Santa Caterina and San Giacomo which are from the Norman era.

A visit to the Florio palace and the local churches is also important. From the most important archaeological sites on the island of Favignana there are the cave of the well, the cave of the coat of arms, the cave of the Stele and the caves of Ficarra II and III. The best known archaeological area is the one where the women’s bathroom is located and it is certainly the most famous archaeological area in the area. Also in this area are the remains of the Roman era of the production of garum and the planting of fish. The Egadi Islands also present, and in particular in Favignana, the tuff quarries that can be understood as real works of art. The most beautiful quarries are located in Cala Rossa, in scalo Cavallo and in Bue marino. Near the quarries there are the so-called Ipogei gardens that make this area even more special.

“Special moments” in Favignana

Leaving for a holiday in Favignana means starting a holiday dedicated to relaxation and nature. The ideal is to rent a boat to discover all the hidden treasures of this island. To get around the area, the best idea is to rent a marine vessel such as a sailboat, a motorboat or a yacht. Every day it is possible to set out to discover numerous adventurous discussions between the Hypogeum gardens and the sea caves of the territory.

The environment is very quiet and relaxed: the sea and the flora are the masters. Furthermore, in Favignana, the holiday also becomes particularly romantic thanks to the possibility of observing the sunset from Punta Sottile beyond the lighthouse, one of the most beautiful in all of Sicily. Absolutely to see is also the dawn of Punta Lunga and take part in the local folklore events. One above all is the Adduminata held in August, as part of the feast of the Madonna dei Campagnoli. A summary of truly unique traditions.


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